Articles — Divya Desam
108 Divya Desams
Nov 27 2016 Tags: Divya Desam, Pilgrimage, Temples, Vishnu
108 Divya Desams are Vishnu temples that are mentioned [Mangalasasanam – Praising the glory of the lord] in the works of the Alvars. Divya Desams means a divine place. It is the term given to 108 temples of Lord Vishnu all over India and a few temples outside it. The mentioning of 108 Divya Desams is done in ancient Tamil writings by Tamil saints.Only 106 of these temples are in this material world. The other two being Paramapadam (at the feet of Lord Vishnu) and Vaikuntam (Lord Vishnu’s Holy abode). One of the remaining 106 (Salagrama) is in Nepal and...