Rudraksha Gold plated beads combination Bangles, Earrings and Pendant - Jewellery set

Rudraksha Gold plated beads combination Bangles, Earrings and Pendant - Jewellery set - Devshoppe


This is very nice Rudraksha Gold plated beads jewellery set . It contains 4 x Rudraksha Gold plated bead bangles , 2 x Earrings and 1 x Rudraksha gold plated beads pendant. This is very beautiful jewellery set that can help a women get all benefits of rudrakshas as well as look gorgeous at same time. This set contains ...Read more

  • Rs.4,500.00

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This is very nice Rudraksha Gold plated beads jewellery set . It contains 4 x Rudraksha Gold plated bead bangles , 2 x Earrings and 1 x Rudraksha gold plated beads pendant. This is very beautiful jewellery set that can help a women get all benefits of rudrakshas as well as look gorgeous at same time. This set contains following items :- Bangles - 4 Earrings - 2 Pendant - 1 Size of Bangles - Medium * Note - Gold plated beads won't loose colour before six months

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