Sri Sampurn Sarv Mahashakti Mahayantra - Devshoppe

Sri Sampurn Sarv Mahashakti Mahayantra

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Sri Sampurn Sarv Mahashakti Mahayantra is Super Powerful yantra that carries four very popular and powerful yantra in itself. This single yantra carries yantras of almost all popular goddesses in Hinduism. This yantra also carries Sri Lakshmi Chalisa .The list of yantras is as following :-

  • Sri Ashtalakshmi yantra
  • Sri Das Mahavidya yantra
  • Sri Nav Durga yantra
  • Sri Mahadevi yantra
  • Sri Lakshmi Chalisa

(1) Sri Ashtalakshmi yantra - Goddess Lakshmi is commonly known as Goddess of wealth. Wealth is not only the money. Tradition and values of life is also wealth. Our family and progress is also wealth. Our belongings such as land, properties, animals, grains, etc as well as virtues like patience, persistence, purity etc in the form of a character are nothing but our wealth and so also glory or victory. Thus this eightfold Sri Lakshmi is known as Sri Ashta Lakshmi. Goddess Ashtalakshmi is the gentle and generous provider of riches so every home has its shrine to her , as do workplaces. The presence of Ashtalakshmi Yantra brings good fortune and riches. Goddess Lakshmi's Eight forms are:-

Adi Lakshmi: Mother Lakshmi resides with Lord Narayana in the Vaikuntha, the abode of Lord Narayana. She is known as Ramaa, means bringing happiness to the mankind. She is also known as Indira (who holds lotus or purity in the hands or heart.) Divine Mother´s this form is normally seen serving Sri Narayana. Lord Narayana is omnipresent. Adi Lakshmi or Ramaa Lakshmi serves Sri Narayana is symbolic of her serving the whole creation. Though Sri Narayana is attended by innumerable devotees, still she personally loves to serve the Lord. Actually mother Adi Lakshmi and Narayana are not two different entities but one only. Many a place we see her form sitting in the lap of Sri Narayana.

Dhanya Lakshmi: Dhanya means grains. This includes all kind of purified food containing all essential vitamins, minerals, protein, calcium, carbohytrade and so on. With the grace of mother Dhanya Lakshmi one gets all essential nutrients grains, fruits, vegetables and other foods.

Dhairya Lakshmi: This form of mother Lakshmi grants the boon of infinite courage and strength. Those, who are in tune with infinite inner power, are always bound to have victory. Those who worship mother Dhairya Lakshmi they live and lead a life with tremendous patience and inner stability.

Gaja Lakshmi: In the holy book of Srimad Bhagavata the story of the churning of the ocean by Gods and demons is explained in detail. Author, the Sage Vyasa writes that Lakshmi came out of the ocean during the churning of the ocean (Samudra Manthan). So she is known as a daughter of the ocean. She came out of the ocean sitting on a full-bloomed lotus and also having lotus flowers in both hands with two elephants by her sides, holding a beautiful vessels filled with milk and pouring it over Sri Lakshmi. Many a time we see Sri Lakshmi standing in the lotus and elephants are pouring nectar over her. During the festival of the lamps or the Deepavali along with Sri Lakshmi the Ganapati or the Elephant God also gets worshipped; that signifies the protection from evils as well as abundant grace and blessings for additional prosperities!

Santan Lakshmi: In the family life, the children are the greatest treasure. Those who worship this form of Sri Lakshmi, known as a Santan Lakshmi, are bestowed with the grace of mother Lakshmi and have wealth in the form of desirable children with good health & long life.

Vijay Lakshmi: Vijay is victory. Vijay is to get success in all undertakings and all different facets of life. Some are strong physically but weak mentally while others are economically rich but poor in their attitude and cannot exert any influence. Vijay is to have all encompassing victory. Vijay is to rejoice glory of our real nature - Vijay is to conquer the lower nature. Vijay is the victory in external and internal wars and of course eternal wars! Hence those, with grace of mother Vijay Lakshmi, have victory everywhere, at all time, in all conditions.

Dhana Lakshmi: Dhana is wealth. But as per Rigved´s Purush Shukta Dhana is not only a wealth in coins and currency. Even Sun and moon, fire and stars, rains and nature, oceans and mountains, rivers and streams, all these are our wealth, so are the progeny, our inner will power, our character and our virtues. With the grace of mother Dhana Lakshmi we will get all these in abundance.

Vidya Lakshmi: Vidya is education. Vidya Lakshmi is the understanding and the knowledge to mold the ordinary life into the Divine Life. A life of Service, a life of feeling for a fellow being, a life of charity and generosity, a life of purity, a life for seeking a soul within the soul and a life with an ultimate aim of the realisation of the ABSOLUTE is the only real education, which can come only with the grace of Vidya Lakshmi.

(2) Sri Das Mahavidya yantra - The Ten Mahavidyas are known as Wisdom Goddesses. The spectrum of these ten goddesses covers the whole range of feminine divinity, encompassing horrific goddess’s at one end, to the ravishingly beautiful at the other. These Goddesses are: Kali, Tara, Shodashi, Bhuvaneshvari, Chinnamasta, Bhairavi, Dhumavati, Bagalamukhi, Matangi, Kamala. The purpose of this yantra is Devotion to ten incarnations of Devi. Her blessings provide bhoga (fulfillment of materialisitic desires) and moksha (spiritual liberation).

Kali : Kali is mentioned as the first amongst the Mahavidyas. Black as the night (ratri) she has a terrible and horrific appearance. The word 'ratri' means "to give," and is taken to mean "the giver" of bliss, of peace of happiness.

Tara : Literally the word 'tara' means a star. Thus Tara is said to be the star of our aspiration, the muse who guides us along the creative path.

Shodashi : The word 'Shodashi' literally means sixteen in Sanskrit. She is thus visualized as sweet girl of sixteen. In human life sixteen years represent the age of accomplished perfection after which decline sets in. This girl of sixteen rules over all that is perfect, complete, beautiful.

Bhuvaneshvari : The beauty and attractiveness of Bhuvaneshwari may be understood as an affirmation of the physical world, the rhythms of creation, maintenance and destruction, even the hankerings and sufferings of the human condition is nothing but Bhuvaneshvari's play, her exhilarating, joyous sport.

Chinnamasta : The image of Chinnamasta is a composite one, conveying reality as an amalgamation of sex, death, creation, destruction and regeneration. It is stunning representation of the fact that life, sex, and death are an intrinsic part of the grand unified scheme that makes up the manifested universe.

Bhairavi : Bhairavi embodies the principle of destruction and arises or becomes present when the body declines and decays. She is an ever-present goddess who manifests herself in, and embodies, the destructive aspects of the world. Destruction, however, is not always negative, creation cannot continue without it.

Dhumavati : She is the embodiment of "unsatisfied desires." Her status as a widow itself is curious. She makes herself one by swallowing Shiva, an act of self-assertion, and perhaps independence.

Bagalamukhi : The pulling of the demon's tongue by Bagalamukhi is both unique and significant. Tongue, the organ of speech and taste, is often regarded as a lying entity, concealing what is in the mind. The Bible frequently mentions the tongue as an organ of mischief, vanity and deceitfulness. The wrenching of the demon's tongue is therefore symbolic of the Goddess removing what is in essentiality a perpetrator of evil.

Matangi : Texts describing her worship specify that devotees should offer her uccishtha (leftover food) with their hands and mouths stained with leftover food; that is, worshippers should be in a state of pollution, having eaten and not washed. This is a dramatic reversal of the usual protocols.

Kamala : The name Kamala means "she of the lotus" and is a common epithet of Goddess Lakshmi. Lakshmi is linked with three important and interrelated themes: prosperity and wealth, fertility and crops, and good luck during the coming year.

(3) Sri Nav Durga yantra - Sri Nav Durga yantra is a powerful yantra to worship all the nine power of Goddess Durga. Nav Durga Yantra is worshipped on Ashtami and during Navratras. Markandeya Puran contains many miraculous uses about Nav Durga yantra. This yantra incorporates many mantras of Goddess Bhagwati that make it highly effective. This is a powerful Yantra for attaining desires, to remove difficulties and to conquer enemies. The nine Durga Shakti's are worshipped on nine days of Navaratri, these are :

Shailputri : "Shail" means mountains, "Putri" means daughter. Parvati, the daughter of the King of the Mountains Himavan, is called 'Shailputri". The first among nine Durgas and 1st night of Navratras is devoted to the puja of Shailputri . Her two hands display a trident and a lotus. Her mount is a bull.

Brahamacharini : The second Durga Shakti is Brahamcharini. Brahma that is who observes penance(tapa) and good conduct. Here "Brahma" means "Tapa". The idol of this Goddess is very gorgeous.One hand hold a "Kumbha" or water pot, and the other holds a rosary. She personifies love and loyalty. Bhramcharini is the store house of knowledge and wisdom. Rudraksha beads are Her most adored ornaments!

Chandraghanta : The name of third Shakti is Chandraghanta. There is a half-circular moon in her forehead. She is charmful and bright. She is Golden in color, possesses ten hands and 3 eyes. Eight of her hands display weapons while the remaining two are respectively in the mudras of gestures of boon giving and stopping harm. Chandra + Ghanta, meaning supreme bliss and knowledge, showering peace and serenity, like cool breeze in a moonlit night. This Durga Shakti rides a tiger.

Kushmanda : With the fourth night begins the worship of Kushmanda, possessed of eight arms, holding a weapons and a mala ( rosary), her mount is the tiger and She emanates a solar aura. "Kumbh Bhand" means to see the cosmic dance in the form of Pindi; the knowledge of cosmic intricacies in the human race. The abode of Kushmanda is Bhimaparvat !

Skanda Mata : Fifth name of Durga is "Skanda Mata". Rising a lion as Her chosen vehicle, She holds Her son skanda on her lap. She displays three eyes and four hands; two hands holds lotuses while the other two hand display defending and granting mudras, respectively. Its said, by the merch of Skandmata, even the fool becomes an ocean of knowledge.

Kaalratri : Black (or blue ) skin with bountiful hair and 4 hands, 2 clutching a cleaver and a torch, while the remaining 2 are in the mudras of "giving" and "protecting". Her vehicle is a faithful donkey. The destroyer of darkness and ignorance, Kaalratri is the seventh form of Nav-Durga meaning scourer of darkness; enemy of darkness.

Maha Gauri : The Eighth Durga is "Maha Gauri." She is as white as a conch, moon and Jasmine. She is eight years old. With four arms and the fairest complexion of all the Durgas Shaktis, Mahagauri radiates peace and compassion. She is often dressed in a white or green sari. She holds a drum and a trident and is often depiected riding a bull.

Siddhidatri : Ninth Durga is "Siddhidatri". There are eight Siddhis , they are- Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapti, Prakamya, Iishitva & Vashitva.It is said in "Devipuran" that the Supreme God Shiv got all these Siddhies by worshipping Maha Shakti. With her gratitude the half body of Shiv has became of Goddess and there fore his name "Ardhanarishvar" has became famous.Usually shown ensconced a lotus with four arms, She is the grantor of 26 different wishes to Her Bhaktas.

(4) Sri Mahadevi yantra - Sri Mahadevi yantra represents three goddesses ie Goddess Kali , Goddess Gayatri and Goddess Saraswati .

Sri MahaKali yantra : is a very powerful Yantra, and is for the worship of Goddess Kali. This Yantra has occult powers & it's worship reverses the ill-effects of black magic, and frees a person from the bad influences of spirits & ghosts. This Yantra also eliminates the harmful effects of malefic planets, especially Saturn, which are usually responsible for misfortunes, sufferings and sorrows in life. Kali Yantra bestows spiritual power, and results in fulfillment of desires, increase in wealth and comforts of life. This Yantra is also a time-tested remedy against chronic diseases like blood pressure, paralysis and nervous disorders. It also bestows longevity to the person who wears this Yantra on his body.

Sri Gayatri yantra : is one of the most Holy & auspicious Yantras. It increases mental and physical strength, cures diseases, protects one from enemies, and is excellent for general well-being. It increases soul power, awakens the spiritual self & brings one closer to his self and God. It also leads a person on to the right path, blesses him with peace, happiness and inner satisfaction. It also ensures overall growth & development of the individual and his family.

Sri Saraswati yantra : Goddess Saraswati bestows intellect, intelligence and is the patron goddess of learning and music. This occult Yantra sharpens the intellect, improves grasping power, increases memory & concentration. It is a must for those who are dull-witted or have suffered breaks in their education, and for those who are suffering from the bad effects of a malefic Jupiter. This Yantra ensures success in studies and high achievement in competitive examinations. It is a known remedy for mental disorders, weak intellectual growth and lunacy. Saraswati Yantra also develops & increases the knowledge, understanding & appreciation of creative arts, especially fine art & music. In addition, Saraswati Yantra has the power to bless married women with a happy life & conjugal bliss, and unmarried ones with an ideal mate & a satisfying married life.By constant worship of this Yantra one becomes learned, famous and praise from all. Knowledge is power. Everybody needs enhance their knowledge through various ways like academic pursuits, private study of religious/ spiritual treatises etc. Properly prepared Sarswati Yantra, if propitiated with ardent devotion can definitely enhance the knowledge of the devotee. By worshipping Saraswati Yantra students will perform well in the examinations. Concentration and memory power will increase. Only good thoughts will spring up form their minds. For acquiring spiritual wisdom also, the grace of Goddess Saraswati very essential.

(5) Sri Lakshmi Chalisa -Sri Lakshmi chalisa Lakshmi Chalisa is a forty verse prayer dedicated to Maha Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. Shri Laxmi Chalisa is believed to have been composed by Sundardasa. Verses are usually dedicated to praise the goddess. The acts and deeds of Goddess Lakshmi are recalled in these verses to aid the devotee to meditate on virtuous and noble qualities.

* We will send the yantra after proper energisation and completion of all vedic rituals so that our buyers can attain the maximum benefits out of this yantra.

Sri Sampurn Sarv Mahashakti Mahayantra is etched out on heavy brass sheet and weights around 650 - 750 gms .

The size of yantra is 12" x 14"

Note : All Above mentioned Descriptions are according to Indian & Chinese Mythology or as per Metaphysical properties of Crystal stones. Seller takes no Responsibility whatsoever for any claim made in the Descriptions. Please don't stop your regular medical treatment. Please use these products as Alternative therapy only. 

All items sold as religious curio only.




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