Set of Four Vedas in Hindi


The Vedas are the most ancient sacred texts of Hinduism....Read more

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The Vedas are the most ancient sacred texts of Hinduism. Each of the four Vedas consists of the metrical Mantra or Samhita' part and the prose 'Brahmana' part giving discussions and directions for the detail of the ceremonies at which the Mantras were to be used and explanations of the legends connected with the Mantras and rituals. Vedas are the oldest texts of humanity and yet available in same pristine format as always! Vedas clearly ask you to be simply human. They vehemently condemn any attempt to discriminate among humans on basis of religion, personal belief, region, caste, gender, color etc. Vedas demand that you love entire humanity as you love your own family. Vedas contain seeds of all forms of knowledge - spiritual or physical. Vedas contain no stories, miracles or unscientific claims. On contrary Vedas demand that you believe only in what is rational, logical, scientific and empowers all humans without discrimination. If you call yourself a Hindu, you cannot afford not to have the Vedas with you. Vedas - after all - are the only divine texts of the world, available in same pristine format. If you are not a Hindu, then Vedas are the only texts which are for entire humanity and existed when there was no Hindu, no Muslim, no Christian. When all were simply members of same family - humanity. They are the wisest texts available for entire humanity rising above communal and sectarian discrimination of recent years.

There are Four vedas . These are Rig veda , Sama Veda , Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda. The Rig-Veda:- The date for the Rig Veda was in controversy for a long time. The traditional date goes back to 3000 BC, something which the German scholar Max Mueller accepted. However, modern historians have now reached a consensus that the oldest parts of the Rig Veda were written around a more cautious 1200 BC. As a body of writing, the Rig-Veda (the wisdom of verses) is nothing short of remarkable. It contains 1028 hymns dedicated to thirty-three different gods; these gods were, quite expectedly, nature gods. The most often addressed gods are Indra (rain god; king of heavens), Agni (fire god) and Rudra (storm god; the 'howler'). A sizeable chunk of the verses are also dedicated to Soma (the draught of immortality), which was a cool alcoholic brew made from the leaves of the soma plant and was drunk during sacrifices. The identity of the plant itself is subject of furious debate. In nature, however, it was somewhat similar to the brews that the American Indians used to consume before conducting sacrifices – to numb both the sacrificer and the sacrificee although human sacrifice was never a part of Aryan worship. Rig Veda, the oldest religious text in the world, has 10,589 verses which are divided into ten mandalas or book-sections. The oldest portions of the Rig-Veda are from books two to seven; the others were added later. The book-sections are arranged according to the number of hymns they possess. The Sama-Veda:- The Sama-Veda or the wisdom of chants is basically a collection of samans or chants, derived from the eighth and ninth books of the 'original Veda', the Rig-Veda. These were meant for the priests who officiated at the rituals of the soma ceremonies – in full sway there could have as many as seventeen full rituals. As time went along rituals and ceremonies of worship became increasingly intricate and the simplicity of the original Rig-Vedic age was slowly forgotten. Thus a need arose to compile all the rituals and their chants in a book, as a sort of reference point for the priests whose functions Sama Veda clearly puts down. It is not surprising that the Sama-Veda is better known for the precise meter of its poetry than for its literary content. There are also painstaking instructions in Sama Veda about how particular hymns must be sung; this is perhaps because great emphasis was put upon sounds of the words of the mantras and the effect they could have on the environment and the person who pronounced them. The Yajur Veda:- The Yajur Veda or the wisdom of sacrifices lays down various sacred invocations (yajurs) which were chanted by a particular sect of priests called adhvaryu. They performed the sacrificial rites. This is very much a ritual based Veda for although there are a few hymns to various Gods the main stress is on the theory of the ritual. The Yajur Veda also outlines various chants which should be sung to pray and pay respects to the various instruments which are involved in the sacrifice. The Atharva-Veda:- The Atharva-Veda (the wisdom of the Atharvans) is called so because the families of the atharvan sect of the Brahmins have traditionally been credited with the composition of the Vedas. It is a compilation of hymns but lacks the awesome grandeur which makes the Rig-Veda such a breathtaking spiritual experience. It is roughly equivalent to the western magic spells and has incantations for everything – from success in love to the realization of otherworldly ambitions.

Details about Books :-

  • Set of Vedas - Rig veda 1 volumes , Sam Veda 1 Volume , Yajur Veda 1 Volume and Atharva Veda 1 volume
  • Language - Hindi and Sanskrit
  • Author - Sri Satyavir Shastri
  • Weight of Books - 6.5 Kgs approx. , After Packing 7.0 - 7.5 Kgs
  • Number of pages - Rigveda - 1508 Pages , Samveda - 520 Pages, Yajur Veda - 656 pages , Atharva Veda - 960 Pages
  • Publisher - D.P.B Publications , Delhi 
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